Dear Parents, you will pass your Child (your Precious Treasure) to our preschool care, hence we do not want to convince you only with paper words. You are heartily welcome to meet us in the preschool. With pleasure, we will answer all yours questions as well as we will explain, what Pedagogy of Maria Montessori means to us.
Our Preschools
ul. Inflancka 4c
Gdański Business Center
00-189, Warszawa
T: 517 903 007
E: inflancka@houseofmontessori.pl
ul. Franciszka Klimczaka 1
Royal Wilanów
02-797, Warszawa-Wilanów
T: 797 043 023
E: klimczaka@houseofmontessori.pl
Al. Jerozolimskie 181C
Adgar Park West
02-222, Warszawa
T: 517 902 904
E: jerozolimskie@alamakota.edu.pl
ul. Nasielska 32
04-352, Warszawa
T: 22 610 67 90
E: nasielska@alamakota.edu.pl
ul. Burakowska 14
01-066 Warszawa
T: 513 330 700
E: burakowska@alamakota.edu.pl
ul. Kościeszów 6
03-188 Warszawa
T: 513 330 700
E: koscieszow@alamakota.edu.pl